the Classroom



Chinese Debate

The Chinese Debate Team aims to help students develop logical thinking and problem-solving skills. Our students learn to inquire and select relevant information to present their arguments effectively. With the intention to instill team spirit and confidence in our students, the Chinese Debate team participates in various competitions every year.

English Debate

The YYPS English Debate Team consists of P4-P6 students. Our team is led by English teachers with more than 10 years of experience in coaching and debating. We work hard on building confidence in speaking, debate, discussion and writing. Through competitive debates with other schools, we thrive in building up positive relationships, teamwork and problem-solving.

Battle of the Books

Battle of the Books is for our super readers! It is made up of P5-P6 students. They read 20 books to equip them for the “BATTLE” every year.

YYPS Express

YYPS Express is our online newspaper. It is completely run by P4-P6 students who take on roles of editors, journalists and website designers. They get support and guidance from experienced English teachers who help them develop an inquisitive mind, nurture their communication and cooperative skills as well as raise their writing ability.
Students learn different strategies to tackle challenging but fun Mathematics Olympiad problems! Students in this program develop confidence as they acquire a better understanding of complex mathematical concepts.
Putonghua Choral Speaking
With the creative interpretation of coordinated intonation, gestures and movement, students of the Putonghua Choral Speaking learn to deliver Chinese poetry with artistic expression. Through training, students learn to appreciate the beauty of Chinese poetry and develop team spirit.
English Harmonic Speaking
The Harmonic Speaking Teams participate in the Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival annually. Students perform poems as a choral group with artistic interpretation, without any movement, gestures, costumes or props. Through training, students learn to interpret a poem and effectively recite it with expression, tone and fluency through using different voices and facial expressions.
Cantonese Choral Speaking
With the creative interpretation of coordinated intonation, gestures and movement, students of the Cantonese Choral Speaking learn to deliver Cantonese poetry with artistic expression. Through training, students learn to appreciate the beauty of Cantonese poetry and develop team spirit.

Visual Art

Junior & Senior
Art Pioneers

Be it crafts, art projects for portfolio pieces, Art Pioneers are always creating! Every week, we work hard to practise different artistic techniques and processes. The Art Pioneers participate in all kinds of projects, local and international art competitions as well.


Our Swimming Team is split into Beginner and Competitive divisions. With long-term progressive systematic training, our team aims to enhance our members’ confidence, motivation, and perseverance.The school swimming pool is the perfect training environment for our team members.
Track and Field
Track and Field is a combination of athletic contests in running, jumping, and throwing. Our members train and practise hard to improve their athleticism. The Track and Field Team undergoes rigorous structured training at a competitive level throughout the year.
The Basketball Team emphasises on team spirit. Our members learn to interact with their peers positively as they work towards a common goal. The Basketball Team undergoes rigorous structured training at a competitive level throughout the year.

Table Tennis

We always welcome students who have a passion for table tennis and those who are keen to further their table tennis skills. The Table Tennis team practices twice a week.
Join us if you’d like to work on your Badminton skills! We practice weekly to improve our technique!
Soccer Team is new to YYPS and we aim to establish an avid soccer culture in our school community! Ball manipulation, first touch, control, player and team movement – join us and hone your technique!

The Po Leung Kuk Rugby Program is a highlight every year! Senior students are welcome to join us to learn more about rugby and participate in the tournaments during the season.

Chinese Dance
The Chinese Dance Team introduces students to the elegance and beauty of Chinese culture through the language of movement. Students are selected to participate in different competitions and performances to develop their interests and boost their self-confidence.
Cheerleading Dance
Cheerleading is a form of encouragement. From chanting slogans to performance of difficult dance moves, the Cheerleading Dance Team trains extremely hard to motivate our sports teams and to entertain the audience. Cheerleading routines contain components of gymnastics, acrobatics, jumps, dance, and group stunts. Our intense training promotes self-confidence, team spirit, self-discipline, and sense of responsibility. Our Cheerleaders develop a healthy lifestyle and strong team spirit as they participate in international and local competitions.


Folk Dance
Always dancing elegantly in ornate costumes with intricate props in hand, Folk Dance Team members learn to perform with the artistic movements and rhythmic footwork of Indian Dances. The Folk Dance Team learns to appreciate the art form through participating in various performances and competitions.
Modern Dance
The Modern Dance Team performs with a combination of different dance genres including modern, jazz, lyrical, and classical. Students strive to connect the mind and the body through fluid dance movements. The Modern dance team develop their passion for dance through participating in competitions and performances every year.
Hip Hop Dance

The Hip Hop Dance introduces a wide range of street dance styles to students including hip hop, breaking, and funk. Team members are given the opportunity to train and develop techniques for different dance styles. The team participates in many performances or competitions and our students develop self-esteem, friendship, and responsibility in the process.


Junior Choir
& Senior Choir
Beyond developing musicianship and singing technique, the focus of our choral program is to cultivate our students’ enthusiasm for music. Our choir members learn to blend their voices with each other harmoniously to perform as a coherent ensemble. For years, our choirs have been consistently performing in local and international competitions. Our notable achievements include the “Best Primary School Junior Choir in the N.T.” for the 68th, 69th and 71st Hong Kong Schools Music Festival and the “Silver Award” for the 2nd Tokyo International Choir Competition.
Symphony Orchestra
/ String Ensemble
Symphony Orchestra is open to students who desire to learn to play an instrument in a large ensemble setting. Orchestra members develop their musicianship as they receive guidance for proper instrumental and performance techniques. Through the discipline in performing as an ensemble, orchestra members acquire diligence, and the ability to collaborate with others. Due to COVID-19, the woodwinds and brass section of the Symphony Orchestra is now temporarily suspended. The Symphony Orchestra is converted into a String Ensemble for the time being.

Musical Theater Team

Musical Theater is an integration of many forms of performing arts. Be it through singing, movement or articulation, students are given leeway to different artistic mediums to express their emotions, thoughts and ideas. Furthermore, drama exploration encourages students to make personal choices and problem-solve creatively. Through rigorous training in singing, dance and acting, students in the Musical Theater Team are inspired to shine on stage as versatile performers.The fruit of our Musical Theater Team’s efforts every year is exhibited in our annual musical production; be sure to check them out!

Pied Pipers Program

The recorder is an accessible stepping stone for students to learn music and develop the necessary technique for playing orchestral wind instruments. Knowing its benefits, The Pied Pipers Program was introduced to encourage students to play the recorder. The program invites students to perform set pieces in exchange for specially designed trading cards. Pied Piper Graphic novels were also designed and integrated into our music curriculum to further immerse our students in recorder music. The development of the Pied Pipers Program is documented in the Hong Kong Educational Research Award Scheme Anthology 17/18.


Tello Drone
Tello EDU is an impressive and programmable drone perfect for education. Students in our team learn to program the tellodrones in different languages such as Scratch, Python, and Swift. The tellodrone team are pushed to challenge the limits of their creativity as they learn to program the drone for different tasks!
Video Production (Campus TV)
No matter where we are or what career path we choose, knowing how to present an idea is an important skill that you should have. Through the Production Team program, you will learn to become a great storyteller. The Production Team offers a comprehensive curriculum that helps students learn the stages of story development, pre-production, the principle of shooting and post-production. This year, we are looking forward to revitalising the Campus TV program. Join us, and we can make this happen!
3D Crafting
The 3D Crafting Team introduces general techniques of creating 3D products using TinkerCad, 3D printers and Laser Cut. Students will be able to learn to design with different mediums and they get the opportunity to print their own 3D products!
The Robotic Team allows students to create robots and robotic systems with different Robot Kits, such as RoboMaster, LEGO Mindstorms EV3, Makeblock (mBot), Micro:bit, VEX Robotics and more. More information can be found in the school ICTS websites.
iPads App Development

The iPad App Development Team explores coding by using the Swift Playgrounds app to tackle challenges, solve puzzles. Students learn to code robots such as Sphero and Dash and Dot to perform tasks as well . In time, our team members acquire the necessary skills to create apps for the iPad.

Amazing Engineering
The Amazing Engineering Team learns to use The Snap Circuits kit to build different electrical and electronic circuits for different projects.
mBot Programming
The intuitive design of mBots are great for beginner coders to explore robotics and programming. Students learn to build a robot from scratch and experience the joy of creating something new in our mBot program!

Interest Groups

Our various interest groups provide opportunities to our students to master new skills in a fun and relaxing setting. To promote holistic education, a variety of interest groups are offered for students during our weekly tutorial period. We arrange new kinds of Interest Groups for our students every year.
Chess & Board Games
Ball Games
Fun Fun Putonghua
Chinese Calligraphy
Elementary Japanese
Art Craft

Service Learning

Caring Ambassadors Program
Caring ambassadors are student leaders selected from P5 and P6 tasked to promote love and caring campus. Regular school-wide activities are organized by Caring Ambassadors such as Star of the Month and Game Booths in order to enhance the sense of community at YYPS. Caring Ambassadors are also tasked to provide support and assistance to our P2 students.
Big Brothers
& Big Sisters
Big Brothers and Big Sisters are mentors who provide guidance and assistance for our P1 students. Through companionship, our Big Brothers and Big Sisters help our P1 students develop important life skills such as self-care, self-studying and social skills. They strive to create a loving and caring environment for the younger students so that they can adapt to primary school life more easily and become active members of YYPS.

Leadership Training

To instil leadership in our senior students, we recruit students who are willing to serve and help the school community to join our Prefect Team every year. This year, there are 68 prefects including 4 Head prefects and 4 Vice Head Prefects. Their main jobs are to help teachers to manage the student body.
Cub Scouts
The Cub Scouts program aims to provide our students with challenging and progressive training programmes for their physical, intellectual, social and spiritual development.
Brownie Guides
Students between P3 – P6 are invited to become a Brownie Guide! Through performing duties in conducting ceremonies and voluntary services, our Brownie Guides learn to contribute to the community

& Learning Culture

To learn more about our school curriculum and the learning culture, click here.